About This Year's Book List

I just reread my post from last year about the book list, and I can honestly say that I am happier, more hopeful, and more satisfied this December than last. This is, in no small part, due to the indications that Trump will be called to account (finally) for attempting to overthrow the government in early 2021, but also due to my personal movement through the year: I sent out my second novel to agents (outcome TBD), I had twelve stories published this year and eleven fiction acceptances. I’ve improved my writing process with a huge amount of credit due to the genius of Francine Witte, who is an incredible teacher in flash fiction.

And now, to the list!

Last year, I vowed to read more female-identifying authors, and I did it! Sixty-nine out of 104 (plus one book co-authored by one woman and two men)! This may be due, in part, to having read a lot of comparable novels for the purpose of seeing where my novel fits into the market, and I read some real beauties through that process. I read thirteen books by Georges Simenon, about average. I didn’t do as well reading writers of color, with only two more than last year (23). I wish there was more representation in fiction of writers of color, particularly women, in the market, but it is also up to me to seek them out.

Despite no longer reviewing audiobooks, I listened to fifteen this year. Of particular note was Nina Totenberg’s DINNERS WITH RUTH, read beautifully by the author. There were quite a few nonfiction works on my list, with my usual mix of addiction/recovery memoirs and books about ancient humans, but I added more books on bisexuality to the soup, and I’m glad I did. I have a lot of learning to do!

It’s extremely difficult to narrow it down to just one, but if I had to pick a favorite, it goes to KINDRED, by Rebecca Wragg Sykes. Her gentle and thoughtful (and fact-based) study of Neanderthals is unparalleled. I have read many other books about ancient humans that were well-written, but nothing gets close to KINDRED.

My goal for 2023: at least half of the books on my list will be authors of color.

I hope you have a happy, healthy, heroic (why not?) 2023, with lots of books to keep you company.