joanna theiss

writer & reader


recent publications


12/2024. “The Summer Lecture SeriesTangled Lives Anthology

12/2024. “Pertusaria tejocotensis on the Cover of Nature” BULL

12/2024. “BCC Shines a Light on Joanna Theiss” BULB CULTURE COLLECTIVE

11/2024. “Last Week the Sun Died” YOUR IMPOSSIBLE VOICE (nom, Pushcart Prize)

10/2024. “Mother, Uploaded” STANCHION ZINE

10/2024. “A Conversation with Patricia Q. Bidar, Author of ‘Wild Plums’” THE MASTERS REVIEW

10/2024. “Out There Still” SWITCH MICROFICTION

09/2024. “Watermelon” GOOSEBERRY PIE LIT

09/2024. “Days on End” THE EKPHRASTIC REVIEW

08/2024. “A Question for April” PATO JOURNAL

08/2024. “When She Asks How Daddy Proposed” SOUTH FLORIDA POETRY JOURNAL (nom, Best Microfiction)

07/2024. “What’s Gone Bad at Aunt Margarete’s” BULB CULTURE COLLECTIVE

06/2024. “Spell Jar” UNBROKEN


Oh, hi!

 I’m a lawyer-turned-writer living in Washington, DC. Before I turned to writing full-time, I did things like: stick price tags on cans of cat food, slice roast beef, hammer on about the standard of review, pick juries, & write about HIV/AIDS under the Affordable Care Act.

I write flash fiction, microfiction, poetry, short stories, and way longer stories, including a novel-in-progress which was Shortlisted for the 2024 First Pages Prize. My writing has been included in the wigleaf Top 50 Longlist and Best Microfiction 2022, nominated for the Pushcart Prize (2023, 2024), Best of the Net (2024), Best Small Fictions (2023), and Best Microfiction (2022, 2023, 2024). I’m the associate editor at Five South Journal (read my interview here).

Book Reviews & Musings


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